Career | How to Self Teach to be a Frontend Developer

Recently, some friends have asked me for advice about transitioning into a career in frontend development. So, based on my personal experience, I have organized these questions and answers to share with those interested or preparing to change careers, hope the article can be helpful to you. ...

October 5, 2023 · 5 min · Anila


疫情過後,來到日本工作生活的外國人越來越多,在經過一番的努力和等待後,我也終於收到來自公司的五年技術簽證,以軟體工程師的身份前往日本生活和工作! 不論工作簽、留學簽或是打工度假簽,在日本生活首先最重要的大概就是找到棲身之處,把生活安頓好,但在日本不論租房、申辦手機門號的流程和手續辦理與台灣有很大的不同,因此決定把自己的經驗記錄下來,提供給即將入境日本或是對這個主題感到興趣的朋友們一些參考! ...

August 5, 2023 · 1 min · Anila

Career | 淺談台灣 Data Analyst 求職之路

最近收到一些和詢問關於自學,求職,工作,和出國的來信和訊息,回想起來,面對迷茫,甚至是不知所措的時候,真的是一件可怕的事情,剛面對職場的我其實也很迷茫,但正是因為迷茫才更需要探索自己並適時地尋求建議。為了更夠幫助到更多的人,因此我把其中一些關於 Data Analyst 的問題和整理起來。雖然自己可以給的想法和建議和幫助有限,但還是希望透過自己微小的力量,真心地幫助到那些需要的人:) ...

March 5, 2023 · 1 min · Anila

Career | I left my last job, and work as a Frontend Developer

Preface. I would like to thank my friends around me for meeting each other through different interactions, and thanks for taking care of my friends who care about me because your company has brought me warmth and happiness. Thank you my friends in Seattle, USA, and the love of our Heavenly Father for accompanying me on this very long and difficult journey from the past to the present. Knowing those friends and The Christian Faith has been the most precious gift in my life. ...

February 20, 2023 · 4 min · Anila

Redux | thunk handles Google Authentication async logic

In Redux we often use middleware to handle asynchronous behavior, so that we can add different asynchronous logic to the store, and gradually we have developed various kinds of middleware. ...

September 2, 2022 · 5 min · Anila